Tag: Jadugoda
It’s time to show support for India’s Navajo Nation: the People of Jadugoda
Whether we’re talking about a proposed uranium mine in Nunavut or the Mirarr People’s right to keep a massive uranium deposit in the ground, the debate on Uranium mining is raging. And for good reason, too. Unlike the risks that come with extracting most other minerals, the risks of uranium mining are guaranteed, along with…
Toxic Neglect
Moushumi Basu reports on a shocking story that the Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL) and the Government of India doesn’t want you to know about. Toxic Neglect was produced for Women Aloud Videoblogging for Empowerment (WAVE). Jadugoda. Located on the ancestral lands of the Santhal, Munda and Ho Peoples in Jharkhand, India, Jadugoda is…
Jadugoda The Black Magic
This 10-minute documentary, based on the 2007 study, Black Magic of Uranium at Jadugoda, conducted by the Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD Patna chapter), explores the harsh realities of indigenous peoples living near the Jadugoda mine, mill and tailings dam in the mineral-rich Singhbum district of Jharkhand, India. Jadugoda is the primary source…
Displaced village exposed to Uranium in Jadugoda, India
Pipes carrying uranium tailings in the eastern state of Jharkhand, India, burst on the 16th of August, “spewing the village of Dungridih with radioactive waste,” according to a recent report by Sanhati It’s the latest in a series of uranium spills that have taken place over the last two years: Incident 1: December 2006 In…