Our Editorial Mission


IC is a nonprofit news publication that provides tactical and investigative journalism for Indigenous peoples. It’s our mission to inform, provoke, educate and inspire the international community by delivering a unique brand of decolonized coverage that explores solutions, exposes injustice and provides facts with context. Want to know how we are achieving our mission? Learn more below.

We Practice Journalism Triage

We carefully analyze the urgency of every story we encounter–including the risks, the potential outcomes and the quantity of existing coverage–to determine where our resources are needed most.

We Cover Frontlines

We go to incredible lengths to take you the front lines of the world, so that you can meet the Indigenous Peoples who are risking their lives to defend biodiversity and the ecosystems that house it.

We Expose Injustice

We act swiftly and fearlessly to expose human rights abuses, environmental harms and a wide range of other threats to indigenous rights.

We Raise Indigenous Voices

We give indigenous intellectuals, diplomats, community leaders and governing authorities a space to tell their own stories, without intermediaries.

We Build Momentum

We help indigenous movements reach the international community so they can gather resources they need to organize effectively around emerging threats to their cultures, communities and territories.

We Underline Resilience

We give special attention to stories that underline language revitalization, cultural preservation, indigenous-led conservation, and a wide array of campaigns and cosmovisions that are crucial to our collective well-being.

We Follow-up on Stories

Long after the media loses interest in any particular indigenous struggle, we continue to monitor the situation and follow-up as our resources will allow.

We Use an inclusive editorial process

We employ an inclusive and culturally responsible editorial process to help ensure that we act in the best interests of the stories we publish, the Indigenous Peoples featured in those stories and the brave individuals writing the stories for us.

We Cover Media Blindspots

We carefully research existing media coverage to ensure that our stories will contribute to public and policy discourse in a meaningful way.

We Analyze Obstacles

We consistently examine the institutional, political, cultural and social obstacles that challenge Indigenous rights and freedoms.

We Set a Good Example

We set an impeccable journalism standard that is fearless, uncompromising, accurate, culturally responsible, and free of bias, propaganda and every form of sensationalism.

We're fighting for our lives

Indigenous Peoples are putting their bodies on the line and it's our responsibility to make sure you know why. That takes time, expertise and resources - and we're up against a constant tide of misinformation and distorted coverage. By supporting IC you're empowering the kind of journalism we need, at the moment we need it most.

independent uncompromising indigenous
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