Waste Water

Waste Water addresses the concerns surrounding the use of reclaimed water in Flagstaff. The use of treated sewage effluent impacts Native American’s religious freedoms and poses immanent human health and ecological threats. This film sheds light on the truth behind Flagstaff’s wastewater treatment facilities and what the community is finding in its water supply.

For more on this, visit TrueSnow.org, IndigenousAction.org and ProtectThePeaks.org/


One response to “Waste Water”

  1. It is instructive to see how mental, spiritual and physical health coincide in the indigenous philosophy, while the progressive view remains trapped in a treatment rather than preventive mode. It is ironic that the history of public health experience is being ignored in the interest of commerce, but not surprising after three decades of federal privatization policy. It is perhaps emblematic of American culture that a people so dehumanized by capitalism find comfort in chemical ingestion that contaminates the very water they need to survive, then turn around and make that the basis of recreational delight at the expense of others.

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