Make some noise for Intercontinental Cry!

By IC Magazine

Dear Readers,

So far, we’ve had an amazing year at Intercontinental Cry. In the last few months alone, we’ve taken you to landmark battles for stolen Maya lands in Guatemala and Wixárika lands in Mexico; we helped the Ngäbe reach the world from Panama as the dreaded Barro Blanco Dam project pushed ahead; we visited the Miskitu in Nicaragua where a massive political storm continues to unfold; we even sat with the U’wa in Colombia whose beloved territory is normally closed to outsiders. Behind the scenes, we designed an unprecedented indigenous journalism training course and a checklist to promote culturally-responsible journalism. We also teamed up with the Indigenous Environmental Network for #Keepitintheground.

On October 10, Indigenous Peoples Day, we’re launching a new campaign to make sure that we can continue to bring you to the front lines in 2017 and beyond.

To help get the campaign started, we need everyone to support our “Thunderclap” to make sure that we can reach hundreds of thousands of people the moment our new campaign begins.

If you’re on facebook or Twitter and want to help us get our message out, please click here and help us make some serious noise!

What’s this campaign about? It’s about:

PROTECTING a dedicated line of investigative journalism for Indigenous Peoples.

MAKING SURE that someone’s putting a spotlight on the socially and environmentally destructive practices of mining, oil, logging, coal and hydro dam companies.

EXPOSING government abuses in dozens of countries.

GIVING Indigenous Peoples an ad-free space to tell their own stories.

SENDING A SIGNAL to all media that you are tired of potato salad journalism—stories that are shallow, homogeneous, biased, condescending, sensationalized, factually inaccurate, and in the worst cases, downright exploitative.

SETTING THE STAGE for an indigenous journalism training course and an online culture and language-sharing project for indigenous youth.

GIVING the international community a chance to learn from indigenous experiences by helping us to broaden our readership base.

That’s something we can all get behind!

Just head over to http://thndr.me/nqHHPN and add your support! We only have THREE DAYS LEFT to reach our goal.

Yours faithfully,

John Ahni Schertow (Editor in Chief)
Geraldine King (Managing Editor)
Tracy Barnett (Editor)
Jeff Corntassel (Editor)
Brenda Jo McManama (Editor)
Cameron Dodd (Editor)