Ways to begin gutting capitalism

By John Ahni Schertow

As much as “Smashing the State” may be appealing to some, we have arrived at a time where that is no longer enough. This is especially true today, as neoliberal policies and practices continue marching forward, and we find ourselves at a perpetual disadvantage, never really able to “smash” anything. And so it has become necessary for us to move toward building the world we want.

The following text, a slightly trimmed version of a chapter titled “Ways to Begin Gutting Capitalism” is from the book Getting Free by James Herod. It is devoted to just that: practical things we can do to start building the world we want.

(If you have not already done so, you may want to also read “Strategies that have failed”, which is an overview of conventional strategies that never really have, or ever will end capitalism/colonialism. )

[embedpdf width=”600px” height=”500px”]https://intercontinentalcry.org/wp-content/uploads/Ways-to-Begin-Gutting-Capitalism.pdf[/embedpdf]

To contact the author, jamesherod @gmail.com or go to jamesherod.info