IC Magazine is running out of time! Please donate now!

By John Ahni Schertow

For over a decade, IC Magazine has kept an ear to the ground and a finger on the pulse of the Indigenous Peoples movement. There’s no other publication in the world like us and we are in urgent need of your support. We only have enough funding to stay online for 13 more days.

As an independent publication, IC is counting on you to make sure that we can continue our work in the coming year. Please donate now! We can’t do it without you!

As an independent publication, IC is unconditionally dedicated to the world’s 6000 Indigenous Peoples and Nations. We’ve already brought you more than 3000 articles, including many breaking stories that all other Canadian and American media ignored. Whether we’re talking about #IdleNoMore or #Bagua, IC Magazine has always been front and center to make sure you know exactly what’s going on. Donate today to keep this space alive!

Alongside our own investigative journalism and that of our trusted peers, we work hard to ensure that Indigenous organizations, governments, networks and individuals have a space to tell their own stories without intermediaries or imposed editorial restraints. With your contribution, we can continue to offer direct access to these important opinions and perspectives.

Your support is needed now more than ever. As much as we’ve already done, there thousands of tragedies and triumphs and emerging struggles out there that no one else will write about. Indigenous Peoples are relying on us to inform the world about what’s going on. We’re relying on you to make sure that we can. Please donate before it’s too late!