History in the Making

By Jay Taber

In this interview, Julian Assange talks about Wikileaks‘ role in opening up space for investigative journalism, whistleblowers and dissidents in the info war against the enterprise of war. By documenting the evidence of the history of war and the collateral murder of civilians as routine slaughter, Wikileaks, says Assange, uses transparency as a tool to seek justice for the abused.

While Intercontinental Cry is no Wikileaks, it, too, seeks justice for the abused. Using a news magazine format where Indigenous activists, scholars and reporters can tell these stories often censored by governments and mainstream media, IC also uses the tool of transparency.  As a unique resource for the Indigenous movement, the archived testimonies in print and video here likewise become a documentation of history in the making.

By opening up space for Indigenous peoples to tell their stories without intermediaries, IC fills the void left vacant by the lack of investigative journalism and the inherent bias of mainstream media. Given the dominant assumptions about the sanctity of the state, and the widespread inability to imagine a world where corporations don’t control every aspect of our lives, magazines like Intercontinental Cry remain a vital component of communication for change.