Enbridge Desperately Seeking Indian Whisperer

By John Ahni Schertow


Video shot with Winona LaDuke and Honor the Earth at the TCF Stadium for the anti-Redskins mascot rally November 1st, 2014.

“The North Country can be cold and a little lonely during the winter. As the Indigenous people of this region we have special knowledge of this, and have usually prepared for the weather by snagging a partner to keep the other side of the bed warm. Well, it turns out that for all their money and status The Enbridge Oil Company’s personal ad for its own Indian Whisperer isn’t getting many responses – and they’re looking at a loooong winter ahead. Now, we know they didn’t exactly make themselves popular after proposing to put the Sandpiper Pipeline through the best wild rice lakes in Ojibwe territory…and that whole bringing close to one million barrels of oil through our reservations per-day on the Line 9 “Switcheroo” without consulting with tribal governments wasn’t such a sweet move, but, ya know, you gotta feel a little bad for them.

They’re getting desperate to find that special Indian to whisper sweet nothings to our communities about the benefits of oil, and have posted their job application deadline (twice now). So, because we are welcoming people, we decided to help them out by prospecting for them and making a video of our findings.

PLEASE SHARE the link on your Facebook or Twitter page. You can help us to collect stories on the desperate, dirty tricks big oil is using to manipulate communities and organizations by sharing your story along with the link to your video, and tagging @honorearth, facebook.com/winonaladukehonortheearth. We will repost and blog the stories as a way to publicly shame these companies for using these kind of tactics, and to aggregate stories and experiences.”

Honor the Earth, 2014

Video by Keri Pickett, Pickett Pictures LLC, http://www.keripickett.com/.