This Comic Will Send a Lump of Coal to the Canadian Government for Their Shameful Record on Mining Companies

By Ad Astra Comix

This month, an anthology of journalistic comics about anti-mining resistance is seeking support. ‘Extraction! Comix Reportage’ is holding a pre-order campaign and fundraiser May 15 – June 15, with rewards that range from a copy of the book hot off the press, to original anti-mining comic art, to a lump of coal to be delivered to the Canadian Ministry of the Environment. The book combines research, on-the-ground journalism and original comic art to produce four stories about the extraction of uranium, oil, aluminum and gold, and their devastating impact on communities and the environment in Canada, India, and Guatemala.

‘Extraction!’ features journalist contributions from Petr Cizek, Tamara Herman, Dawn Paley, and Sophie Toupin. Contributing artists include Phil Angers, Jeff Lemire, Joe Ollmann, Carlos Santos, Alain Reno, Ruth Tait, Stanley Wany. The book is edited by Frédéric Dubois, Marc Tessier, and David Widgington. The book is a short read at 130 pages, but packed with information about some of Canadian mining’s worst culprits: Alcan, Cameco, Goldcorp, and Suncor.

Ad Astra Comix is an independent Toronto-based comics publisher. We believe in the power of comics to share the stories of regular people and speak truth to power. We have no investors, stockholders or friends in high places – just an enthusiasm for comics and social justice.

Anti-mining resistance shares a common story around the world. It’s the story of people with neither money nor power, standing up to some of the wealthiest and most influential corporations on the planet for the sake of their communities and the environment. We can honour these people and support their struggles, first and foremost, by knowing their stories.If you’re interested in supporting the publication of “Extraction!”, or want to know more about the project, please check out our press kit. For information about Ad Astra Comix, including other titles we carry, workshops we offer and critical coverage of political comics, check out our main page. To get in touch, please e-mail adastracomix@gmail.com. You can also follow us on Twitter @AdAstraComics or like our page on Facebook.
