Canada and Frontenac sue Algonquins for 1 million

By John Ahni Schertow

Correction: Frontenac is actually suing for 77 million. Please see here for details.

A sad and irritating note. Following the trend that began two months ago when CN-Rail launched a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the Mohawk activists from the community of Tyendinaga—Yesterday the Algonquins were blind-sided with a million dollar lawsuit of their own. What are the charges, I wonder—Trespassing on their own territory???!!!

Are these the changes Jim Prentice was promising?

Here’s the Update from Janie Jamieson:

Just a quick update on the uranium mine at Sharbot Lake. Yesterday CANADA and FRONTENAC VENTURES (mining company) upped the ante in this land repatriation.

After the rejection of a financial offer last week by Frontenac, the Algonquins were slapped with a million dollar lawsuit yesterday. Forthcoming at any time is still the injunction to have them removed. After that it’s just a matter of time before the OPP have to “uphold their rule of law” and enforce the injunction. Meaning another Kanonhstaton April 20, 2006 or another OPP raid.

The OPP maintain a consistent presence at the Robertsville Mine. They know how isolated this territory is and how many people are there, etc. Their surveillance never ends.

Please send in whatever you can as soon as possible: water, gas, food, disposable cameras, socks, bug spray, candles, eating utensils, any type of camping supplies. Say prayers, burn tobacco whatever you need to do to help with their well being and protection.

To help contact:

* Chief Paula Sherman 613-279-1970 paulasherman@trentu.ca;
* Bob Lovelace at 613-374-5598, Cell 613-532-2166;
* Harold Perry 613-479-5534;
* Lynn Daniluk 613-268-2746 Cell 614-267-0539; Ormond Lee of the settler committee 613-267-7584.