Tag: Idle No More

  • Why does Canada spy on its own indigenous communities?

    Why does Canada spy on its own indigenous communities?

    Researchers and journalists have begun to reveal the extent to which Indigenous activists and organizations in Canada are subject to surveillance by police, military, national security intelligence agencies and other government bodies. While security agencies have long looked beyond ‘traditional’ national security threats and set their sights on activists – even in the absence of…

  • Idle No More Call to Action: Reoccupation of Ottawa

    June 16th, 2017 – The Bawaating Water Protectors are responding to the Idle No More call to action by gathering in Ottawa for a four-day long public ceremony. We call to the public and medias to join and support us. As part of Idle No More – OFFICIAL – Unsettling Canada 150: A Call to Action, we will gather in…

  • One Year and Counting

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wrote in his mandate letter to the newly-minted Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, Carolyn Bennett, that “no relationship is more important to me and to Canada than the one with Indigenous Peoples.” This came just before he was to take on his first year in office. At the time,…

  • Degrees of Evil: Savoring the nuances of co-optation

    Mind games of the non-profit industrial complex aren’t hard to decipher; the gullible simply have to decide they no longer want to be coddled by bromides, no longer treated as infantile consumers of spectacle. Once they reach the point of being skeptical, the charades of capitalist activism come clearly into view. Spectacle celebrities like Naomi…

  • Roots in History

    In Dr. Cheryl Crazy Bull’s op-ed on Idle No More and Tribal Education, she notes that social movements have roots in history and connections with other movements. Knowing that history, she says, is essential to effective activism. Tribally controlled education and tribal knowledge that emerged from the American Indian Movement in the 1960s, observes Crazy…