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class="post-template-default single single-post postid-605 single-format-standard videos podcast-">
Calpine Energy Corporation Eviction Notice Video

Calpine Energy Corporation Eviction Notice Video

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April 13, 2007

Several weeks ago, members of the Pit River Nation and supporters, planned to deliver an eviction notice to Calpine Energy Corporation, to demand that the company drops its “decades-long attempt to build polluting power plants in the Medicine Lake Highlands tion notice, indigenous, Medicine Lake, protests, Sacred Grounds, Traditions, videonear Mount Shasta…”

Here is the video of Calpine being publicly served:


On 2/21/07 the US Department of Justice (DOJ), acting on behalf of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Forest Service (FS), requested that the 9th Circuit Court review the issues involving the proposed plans to build geothermal power plants in the Medicine Lake Highlands, a mountainous region held sacred to many Native Nations. In November 2006, a panel of the 9th Circuit unanimously ruled that the agencies not only violated the cultural rights of the Pit River Nation but also failed to uphold provisions of the National Environmental Protection and National Historic Preservation Acts. In their ruling the Court of Appeals found that the above Federal Agencies had never adequately considered whether the Highlands should be developed for energy at all. As a result, the Court rejected the leases that would have allowed Calpine Energy Company to build geothermal plants. (source)tion notice, indigenous, Medicine Lake, protests, Sacred Grounds, Traditions, video

There was another protest on April 6 — see the above link for more info.

Calpine Energy Corporation Eviction Notice

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